Losers lose for a number of reasons but perhaps the main reason why they lose is because they dont understand the basic concept about winning.
That said, I just want to clarify that the following is based on my personal observation and not the result of any scientific study.
Losers are afraid of loosing. They have an unhealthy perception about winning and loosing. Perhaps it was foolish pride, maybe it was just not their thing to make a mistake, to mess up. Whatever it is, they will not openly admit that they are beaten, or have messed up, they prefer to steal away, with their tail between their legs and hope people will forget about the whole incident.
And when they achieve success, they spare no expenses to glorify their accomplishment. Chances are they probably over attribute the success to their talent, effort or good luck. Very often, fail to give thanks to those who have helped to make him successful or had contributed to their success. They tend to use success as a cover for their past mistakes.
Losers are also often in denial. When they make a mistake, they usually fail to own it. Instead, they resort to feeble attempts to try to conceal their mistakes and pretend that the entire episode does not exist! Want to talk to them about coming to terms with their loss, they probably prefer to avoid talking about the matter, in fact, they may even try to avoid you.
Losers often fail to learn from past mistakes. Quite often will leave most people wonder if they learnt anything at all. This should not be too surprizing cos you must remember that they had tried so hard to bury their unglorious past mistakes. So it shouldnt be too surprizing that they commit the same mistake more than once.
The final reason is their sense of importance, or the illusion of grandeur - where they think that the world conspires to trick them, cause them to be less successful, or caused their failure and misery.
But perhaps the most useful advice will be this quote that aptly sums up why winners win while losers will never be successful.
"Nothing in this world can stop a man with the right attitude; nothing in this world can help a man with the wrong attitude."
Ramdom thoughts about the novel, the strange, and the new. About personality, about career, life, goals, pleasure.
TENGA and the Urges of Temptation
One way or another we will feel that urge or temptation and like it or not, we have to deal with it.
Some sees it as a test from God. Others interpret it as a scheme from the evil one. Whatever it is, we are required to respond: to give in or to resist.
Psychologists will prefer to explain it as a struggle between the id, ego and the super-ego. According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the id represents the dark, chaotic aspect of us which seeks pleasure without regard to morals, or consequences. And is driven by instincts and impulses, and seeks instant self-gratification.
In contrast, the super-ego is the complete opposite of id, and helps us to defend our sense of right and wrong, shame and guilt. It also stores our internalized moral standards and ideals that we acquire and shaped from our parents and the society.
The ego mediates between the clashes of id and the super-ego. It regulates the id to allow for our survival and well-being - without violating the moral principles and against the external world.
It is not hard to imagine the temptations that life presents us, and it may strain our ego's ability to hold on to those moral teachings that we holds dear.
Perhaps this is the reason why we hear of how celebrity figures falling into temptations... think Tiger Wood, Jack Neo, Wayne Rooney. They gave in to sexual temptation. Perhaps if they have some way to deal with their sex drives these stories will not exist?
Not here to judge but maybe they have not heard of TENGA.
Maybe someone should give one Tenga Fliphole or Tenga Fliplite, or a set of Tenga Eggs for these guys on their birthday or Christmas!
Some sees it as a test from God. Others interpret it as a scheme from the evil one. Whatever it is, we are required to respond: to give in or to resist.
Psychologists will prefer to explain it as a struggle between the id, ego and the super-ego. According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the id represents the dark, chaotic aspect of us which seeks pleasure without regard to morals, or consequences. And is driven by instincts and impulses, and seeks instant self-gratification.
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TENGA from tengatango.com is perhaps the best defence against sexual temptations |
The ego mediates between the clashes of id and the super-ego. It regulates the id to allow for our survival and well-being - without violating the moral principles and against the external world.
It is not hard to imagine the temptations that life presents us, and it may strain our ego's ability to hold on to those moral teachings that we holds dear.
Perhaps this is the reason why we hear of how celebrity figures falling into temptations... think Tiger Wood, Jack Neo, Wayne Rooney. They gave in to sexual temptation. Perhaps if they have some way to deal with their sex drives these stories will not exist?
Not here to judge but maybe they have not heard of TENGA.
Maybe someone should give one Tenga Fliphole or Tenga Fliplite, or a set of Tenga Eggs for these guys on their birthday or Christmas!
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