Singapore is a small city and like most other major cities in the world faces a greying population issue. It also faces a overcrowding issue as well as the population swells up significantly mostly via immigration growth and this has upsetted the locals pretty much. Soon it is caught in a vicious cycle: low birthrates = more immigrants = more overcrowding = higher costs of living = low birthrates.... The singapore government tries the first option - promote the locals to have kids (and more kids). This in turn means a larger greying population in the future. You see the vicious pattern again, no? Somehow in the midst of all the chaos, the government forgets one simple element: sex The population will not grow if people are not having enough sex especially the married couples. And they are not gonna have sex for fear that they will have kids cos it is too expensive to have kids in Singapore. A sad fate indeed. Nonetheless there are some things the government should consider doing: 1. make it illegal to have abortion 2. offer more financial rewards when singaporean couples have kids like free maternity care 3. ban the use of condoms and sale of tenga masturbation toys (